Sunday, February 19, 2023

Letter to Readers & Brownsville Living Followers

Dear readers,

I wanted to take a moment to address the lack of activity on my podcast and blog for the past year. As some of you may know, I am the owner and broker of GRT Realty, a real estate business here in Brownsville. Over the past year, the business has grown tremendously and we now have over 55 agents on our team. With this growth has come increased responsibility and time commitment, which has unfortunately resulted in me having less time to focus on my passion for creating content.

In addition to my professional responsibilities, I also have two teenage boys who are growing up before my eyes. As any parent knows, raising children requires a significant amount of time and attention, and I have been prioritizing my family above all else.

However, I want to assure you that my love for Brownsville and my desire to showcase the best aspects of our community has not waned. I am still dedicated to shining a light on the amazing people, businesses, and events that make Brownsville such a special place. As time permits, I will continue to create content in the form of mini interviews, live streams, and blog posts.

I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time, and I hope to continue providing valuable and engaging content for years to come. Thank you for your continued support of my work and our community.


M. Craig Grove

Brownsville Living Founder

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